OBMbpkg - Estimate the Population Size for the Mb Capture-Recapture Model
Applies an objective Bayesian method to the Mb capture-recapture model to estimate the population size N. The Mb model is a class of capture-recapture methods used to account for variations in capture probability due to animal behavior. Under the Mb formulation, the initial capture of an animal may effect the probability of subsequent captures due to their becoming "trap happy" or "trap shy."
Last updated 7 years ago
1.00 score 1 scripts 558 downloadsBinaryEMVS - Variable Selection for Binary Data Using the EM Algorithm
Implements variable selection for high dimensional datasets with a binary response variable using the EM algorithm. Both probit and logit models are supported. Also included is a useful function to generate high dimensional data with correlated variables.
Last updated 9 years ago
1.00 score 2 scripts 203 downloads